
Mac torrent calendar for mac
Mac torrent calendar for mac

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Why does the new release support pulling all my email like the older release did? I've read some excuses such as Google data limits, but that can't be because when I set up my previous account it all downloaded all the emails in one, albeit long, process. It downloaded some (current month - May), then I had to hit the Sync Folders button to get it to sync more, then it would only sync a few at a time, facing me to manually hit the Sync Folders button again, and again, and again.

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However, when I did this, Outlook did not (would not) download all the emails in my existing Inbox.

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When I installed the new version of Outlook that supported the NEW Google connectivity, I had to delete by old account and create a new one, which I did. It took some time (4-5 hours), but it downloaded all of them in one process. When I set up the connection, it immediately started downloading all my emails from my Gmail account.

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I had an IMAP Gmail account connection set up that worked perfectly. I wanted to use this new feature (new Google support) in Outlook on my Mac.

Mac torrent calendar for mac